Edu Passion 2019

Edupassion is an event in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung that introduce universities to students of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung and other highschools. The event was held on 24 January 2019. Unfortunately, I can’t attend the event because I was sick that week.

So I made this by the informations that I got from my friends.

The event was opened by West Java’s governor, Mr. Ridwan Kamil. After that, they fly up 30 balloons as a symbol of the opened event.

There are 35 stands of universities that you can visit. Collages, educational institutions, RBL by student of SMAN 3 Bandung, adiwiyata, and sharing with alumni. For the collages you can found state and private collages. At the stand you can visit UPI, Prasetya Mulya, Tokyo University, POLBAN, ITENAS, Widyatama, Telkom University, Binus University, Trisakti, UMN, POLMAN, St. Andrew's, LSPR, NIS, ITS,UNPAS, Sampoerna University, Best Student, Wall Street, Stufen Edu, UI, STAN, ITHB, Inzela, ITB, IKJ, IPB, UNDIP, UNJANI, UIN, Maranatha, BJB, Edulab, UNISBA, UGM, UNAIR, UNPAR, and UNPAD.

So the informations makes me think about my life goal. First i want to graduate from SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, and i want to attend collage. I would like to enroll in FTI ITB. There, I want to be an active student, enter campus organizations, and have a lot of friends. 

After i graduate collage, I want to have a nice job. Like get in a big company and have higher position as i get older.

But other than that, I also want to be a perfumery. But no the kind that you met in the road side.


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