Strength, Weakness, and Future Dream

So, my teacher ask my friend and I to write about our future plan and strength and weakness analysis. To be honest, I'm so clueless about myself. i'm not really good at knowing strength and weakness. But i'll try.

My strength,
I'm optimistic, i'm strong-willed, i know trends, i'm a fast learner if i put my mind into it.

My weakness,
i'm lazy, i often procrastinate. I overthink everything and end up not doing anything because i'm to anxious.

My future plan,
My dream is still fuzzy. i tend to let everything flow as time goes by. But for now, i just want to graduate from SMA Negeri 3 and make it to FTI ITB. After that i still dont know what i want to do to make money. I lowkey want to be a perfumeries. But not the perfumeries you found in the side road. i want to be the designer brand one.


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